
Interior Patterns – Immersive Visuals Vol.1


We are excited to present the new collection of video art – Interior Patterns – Immersive Visuals Collection Vol.1 – Room Edition. Created specifically for square-shaped spaces. Video footage and clips are developed in 16K resolution, providing UltraHD resolution for each screen. As a result, we have 4 screens in UltraHD resolution. The total resolution of the video content is 15360 x 2160. All videos are rendered at 60 frames per second with MOV DXV encoding, which is ideal for most VJ software and media servers.



4k video mapping info
Exclusive projection mapping trends

Download Interior Patterns – Immersive Visuals Vol.1 – Room Edition

The animation is created by media artist Alexander Kuiava in his signature style of premium video abstractions and patterns, enriching your events with beauty and richness. Panoramic 360-degree videos feature abstract patterns of lightning bolts. The collection includes video clips with various color schemes, featuring stunning columns and patterns stylized as lightning. You can use these video art clips both independently and in composition and video mixing with your own VJ loops.

Most animations are created with bottom-up and left-to-right motion directions, with additional variations with mirror effects. If you’re familiar with video editors, you can crop these immersive visuals to a resolution of 3840×2160 and receive an additional standard collection of video clips for regular VJing.


16K 15360×2160

Frame Rate

30 Fps




32 clips

Video Art Visuals for interior Projection Mapping

Look image preview of single immersive projection visuals. Quality of images is a bit compressed for better website performance.

immersive vj loops
New solution for interior video projection immersive show

Create Your Immersive Show and impress your guests


Crafted by acclaimed media artist Alexander Kuiava, each piece in this collection is a testament to creativity and technological prowess. From dynamic animations to intricate patterns, every detail is meticulously crafted to captivate and inspire. Specifically tailored for small square-shaped spaces, Interior Patterns is the perfect complement to any venue or event.

With video footage and clips developed in stunning 16K resolution, each screen boasts UltraHD clarity and brilliance, ensuring an unparalleled visual spectacle.

Creative digital asset for multipurpose

Immersive Video Projection

Ultra-wide visuals for projection mapping in the interior. 360 video content for indoor video mapping show.

Live VJ-ing & Video Mixing

Video loops for vjing & video mixing on events. For touring vj’s & stage performance. For TV broadcasting & online streaming.

Media Texture

Creative digital assets for video editing & post-production projects and 3d environments level-design in virtual reality.

Additional information

16K 15360×2160










70 Gb


Extended, Standard

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