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3D video mapping projections You can divide for 4 types.

3D video projection mapping is all the rage now. Every project show can be enhanced with the use of 3D video mapping content. Even though it’s been done for a while now, each show has unique effects that make it a novelty for viewers. There are multiple ways to play with content and that’s what keeps it fresh and new for viewers. Even though it may be the same building that’s been projected on over and over again, content is what makes it new every time you run the show. If we broadly divide the types of content that can be used, we can come up with 4 broad bases of types of 3D video mapping content. 


Architectural mapping

By far this is one of the most sought after content for video projection mapping. Not only does the size of the building create a larger than life effect. It also allows you to experiment more and more due to the large pixel sizes available. For architectural video projection mapping. You need content that is made specifically for such effects. Especially the pillars, arches, windows are elements that you can easily highlight. The best part about architectural mapping is that you can change the face of the building just by using the content. Showcase a history of the building or take the audience into a futuristic world. Mega buildings allow for mega shows.  When looking to create or buy content for building projection mapping. You want to look for something that has unique outlines, massive 3D extrusions, glow effects and other such elements that can highlight the unique aspects of the building. You can look at LIME ART GROUP for effects that are specially designed for such building mapping shows. Get that perfect arch animation or 3D extrusion that will leave your audience wanting more. 


Object projection mapping

The second type is object projection mapping. This can be a product like a car, landscape model, product or any other object you can think of. Can be used for permanent mapping installs or for that one-time event. The idea behind augmenting a product with video mapping is similar to building mapping. To bring out its unique features and wow the audience with creative visuals. However there needs to be more attention to detail as the surface area of projection is limited and usually, the audience is close to the object. At times it can be about highlighting unique features of a product or just creating a wow factor that can bring attention towards the object or product. Video projection mapping is one of the most effective ways to inspire and create awe-inspiring shows. LIME ART GROUP is a place where you can find great content to inspire and motivate you to create unique content for your projection mapping shows. 


Interior projection mapping 

There is nothing better than creating an immersive projection environment, transporting the viewers into a dimension that is beyond the usual. Immersive projection mapping is the perfect solution when you want to show the audience the interiors of a new real estate project, or take them into a view of the galaxy, basically something that is closer to virtual reality but in a more organic way. Interior projection mapping engulfs the user into a world they have not seen before. If done correctly the experience can be one of a kind.  For inspiration have a look at what TeamLabs have done and the Paris digital museum Atelier des Lumières. These kind of spaces are one of a kind and constantly transforming. 


Fulldome Projection mapping

Arguably one of the most extensive projection mapping formats. This generally requires a big pixel map and including the curves/edge blending it can be tedious to setup. But there is nothing like hosting a party inside a dome. Engulfing viewers with mind-blowing content, creating an environment that is fully immersive. You may find it difficult to create content for dome projection mapping, that’s when you can head to places like Video Mapping Store & VJ LoopsFarm, where they have specially created content for dome projections. Specially made visuals by VJs for VJs they know what works for audiences. They have all types of 3D projection mapping content that you can incorporate in your shows. Saving you both render time and money in the long run. There can be a few other use cases for 3D projection mapping content, which I have not included here. I find these are the 4 broad categories of projection/video mapping project that you can expect to work in. Happy Video Projection Mapping 🙂 


Thanks for your attention, faithfully yours,
Alexander Kuiava – Founder & CEO LIME ART GROUP


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Visuals for 3D Video Mapping

Royalty free content for projection mapping show

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